don't take me down with you

try repressing

Originally published May 4, 2005

Making the blog rounds the other day, I came across a link to the below missive. I've been mulling over a response ever since. My first reaction was that I owe a lot of good women an apology for thinking that vermin like this were figments of their imagination. I apologize unreservedly.

My second thought was of adults who spar with yappy teenagers. No satisfaction can come of it; no one respects you for making a child look foolish, and the child won't understand that he lost.

My third thought was anger—anger toward his female enablers/victims, without whose consent and collaboration this guy might have learned to be a thoughtful and responsible human being. Oh well.

Which brings us to where I am at this writing, irritated that this swine has excused his behavior by making generalizations about my gender and thereby impugning the character of every man. The generalizations, like the entire post, are unmitigated nonsense, a steaming pile of horse shit obviously designed to distract a very specific reader from his selfish misdeeds. He is the Irrepressible Shaun, and if that charmingly self-deprecating, self-bestowed nickname evokes thoughts of the Great and Powerful Oz, that's appropriate. Now I'm going to show you the pathetic little man pulling levers behind the curtain. Mouse over the horse-shit icons for line-by-line translations.


a little honesty here  "Very little. The Pinky and the Brain quote is accurate." 

Ok... Time for some honesty here.  
"OK, I'm in trouble, so now I'm going to spin this so that it's your fault for being angry that I'm a complete swine."  Last week my friend and all of her friends were really disappointed and angry at me for showing up at the friend's event with another female.   "See how I'm putting it on you, right out of the gate? You're the one who's angry. I just 'showed up.'"  The friend who was throwing the event told me that I misunderstood why she was disappointed in me. The other two were just angry and assumed the protective girlfriend stances. Cool, I expected that.  "Your friends are all fine lookin'." 

Well, I want to shed some light  
"Let me educate you, dumbshit."  on how I function   "Again, I just am. My behavior is a fait accompli, like the tides or taxes, that you just need to accomodate."  with respect to the opposite sex  "Because a man would put his fist through my teeth."  . First of all, I admit that I can be pretty selfish at times.  "Tides, taxes, selfishness. See how this isn't my fault?"   I would like to think that I balance this flaw in my character by being considerate "For my convenience, I have revised the definition of 'selfish' to include 'considerate.'"  gentle and funny,  "Damn. I forgot 'modest.'"   but that's probably not a true depiction of my actions on a consistent basis.   "Feigning a little candor here, even though I qualified it, so that I can..."  At the end of the day, I'm still just me. "...deflect any possible criticism back on my critic."

Now, I like females... alot.  
"Just in case you want to throw your legs wide open, lemme make this perfectly clear." I find them extremely interesting.  "Check out my depth." I enjoy observing how they process information, react to different stimuli, and engage in relationships with males and females.  "Back to this being your fault. You process information differently." All of these things are done differently than I, and most males would do them, however.  "Yeah, I'm a pig, but what are your alternatives?" So that's where my primary interest lies. Ok, maybe not my primary interest "Your legs are STILL together?" , but I do enjoy observing and attempting to understand all of these dynamics.

Face it
"And by 'face it,' I of course mean a respectful 'in my opinion.'" , men and women are entirely two diffferent [sic] species of human being. "So if you disagree, you're specist."  We are sooooooooooo different. Women generally require approval from the group (the girlfriends) prior to making most decisions John: WTFF? What women are you talking about? Do you know only women you met in clubs? , while most men don't necessarily rely on the group approval from "our boys."  John: Ah, there's your problem. Try hanging out with a few men sometime. I'll give you an example. Men, how many times have you met a woman at a club or wherever and dug her while at the same time she was digging you?  John: Never, actually. Poseurs, puke, herpes and GHB: how romantic. Things went so well that you two decided that the night shouldn't end just yet.   John: God, you're a catch. You suggest that she should go somewhere alone with you, and she agrees.   John: Her too. Get yourself to a clinic before body parts start fallin' off on you. Of course, your  "my"  dream night   John: You might try dreaming a bit bigger.  with your   "my"  new friend  "easy and/or drunken chick with absurdly low self-esteem and no discernable standards whatsoever"  John: so can we assume that every time you use the word "friend" in this post, you really mean "piece?"  won't happen because she came to wherever you met her with "her girls" and they're not having that. They literally swoop the chick that you were digging away while you're just standing there like "dayum, that was just wrong."  "Uppity, blue-balls causin' bitches. How dare they? They must need me to shed some light."  Now, how many of you also know that if her girls weren't there "blocking" that she would go with you?  John: I'm warming to this "different species" theory of yours.  Now, I know that women need to protect one another and all of that, but the point of the example is to demonstrate how women typically make decisions that are popular with the group.   "Women who keep me from spraying sperm into their alcohol-impaired friend are just slaves to group approval."  Same example, if "her girls" were equally digging "your boys" then the decision to all hook up later would have been a unanimous YES!   John: I'm thinking "diseased marmot." 

I also have a theory that 80% of the women want to kick it with 20% of the men.  
"But we men aren't shallow like that."  If you are fortunate enough to be a member of the 20% club "In case you haven't gathered, I'm the bomb. Really! I have references!!!"  then you will mathematically have more opportunities to mate. That's one of the perks of being in the club."It's not a fatal character flaw; it's a perk."   Now here is the part that women have difficulty understanding."Let's not mince words. You're flat-out stupid."   They "You"  don't get why men "I"  have a difficult time "turning down""The quotes are because 'turning down' means anal only."   opportunities to mate. Women generally aren't as promiscuous as men can be. Thank God for that! "You don't know the pain of being a man. It's hell."   Men, however, have tendancies [sic] and inclinations to go into what I call "reptile mode." That's when our behavoir  [sic] becomes dayum near instinctual "Whatever shit I pull isn't my fault."  , uncomplicated "Whatever shit I pull isn't my fault."  , and predatorial [sic] "Whatever shit I pull isn't my fault."  , tossed in with a dose of "The Brain."  "The bard." 

Pinky: "What are we doing tomorrow night Brain?"

Brain: "The same thing that we do every night Pinky, try to take over the world!"
John: First boys, now ficticious mice. What's the matter with grown men that really exist, again?

Yes, we 
"I"  go into reptile mode and try to conquer a woman's body. I don't even think that this act is about sex though. It definitely seems to be about power.  John: That's also the appeal of rape.   Why would a member of the 20% club need to conquer more than one woman at a time? Because he can. It's not right, ethical, or fair. It's just how it is.  "Have I mentioned that I'm blameless and you're not?" 

Now here comes the down side.  
John: Jesus Christ pushin' a hand cart. This was the UP side?  When a 20% member is not in "reptile mode" he is capable of carrying on normal, productive relationships with members of the opposite sex.    "I hear."  Please remember, however, men and women are entirely two different species of human beings.    "As previously established when I, um, er, said so."  We interpret sex entirely differently. I believe that for most women    "You, when you're calling me out"  sex is a deeply intimate and emotional act, therefore there's very low tolerance for reptiles.    John: but I thought she was "digging you?"  In contrast, men    "me"  operating in reptile mode    "all the time"  are capable of compartmentalizing mating into something less emotional. It simply becomes "booty" not literally, but in the sense of something plundered after the reptile has conquered his prey. In the end a reptile becomes nothing more than a predator who inflicts pain and suffering. Most of the time unintentionally.  Nevertheless, it's pain just the same!    "Despite all the obvious time I devote to conjuring my self-absolving theories and rationalizations, I'm sweetly naive."

Men, if you have reptilian tendencies and you are an active member of the 20% club you are obligated to establish boundaries with the opposite sex from jump.   
"Lemme feign some sort of epiphany to get myself off the hook, yet do it in such a way that I make it look like it's other men who are thoughtless." That way, you provide the female with the opportunity to accept or reject the emotional risks associated with investing her feelings into a 20% club member who possesses reptilian inclinations."I absolve myself of any and all responsibilty for my future sexual digressions. Any hurt from here on is your fault. As opposed to the hurt I just inflicted, which is your fault."

In the end, honesty is always the best policy.
"Just look at how I turned unabashed predation into a virtue."  I will try to remember that."Justifiably defensive BWNC (Brother With No Class) seeking any female who makes him feel like an honored member of the 20% club via meaningless sex he can later boast about in his blog. Vulnerable women only. No eggheads. Disease-free a plus. Low standards a must."