Originally published May 12, 2005
And with a quick snip, Annalie embarks on a lifetime of having to spell her name for people.
Welcome to the planet, Johnetta!
Oh. I guess they went with second choice. The dream is all up to Annie and Eric now.
Also born on this date: Steve Winwood, Ving Rhames, George Carlin, Florence Nightengale, Katharine Hepburn, and (this one gives me goosebumps) Yogi Berra.
foreshadowing, indeed!Originally published May 11, 2005
Katrina's little girl will be born on May 12, a tad early. Mom is in excellent spirits. Baby looks fine. The men in the vicinity of Mom and baby are completely whack. Thus endeth my report for now.
The original Lionel (a.k.a. Spazzie McDrama) took it upon herself to send out mail proclaiming Katrina hospitalized. When it arrived, I was seated next to a very surprised Trinie at her dining room table. I said it then, and I say it now: people who eagerly trumpet other people's drama as their own, who contrive to use others' news to draw attention to themselves, are vermin.