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October 19, 2011
of teabaggers and mebaggers
The Tea Party and 99%ers certainly would not self-identify as similar, but to me there's barely a difference.
I'm in favor of small, fiscally responsible government. Yet I couldn't be less allied with the Tea Party.
I'm in favor of progressive tax rates and, especially, of punishing those who profited from wrecking our economy. Yet the 99%ers repel me.
Why? Because in the name of acquiring numbers, both movements have provided quarter to society's worst dregs. The Tea Party's appeal is utterly nullified by their silent inclusion of bigots and militant nutjobs. The 99%ers' allure is moot because they offer unlimited shrink-wrapped excuses to spoiled, irresponsible whiners.
What's the difference to me? Mere semantics. If you want me to take up your cause, stop legitimizing—and start repudiating—the scum who would use you.
posted by john at 9:00 AM • permalink