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September 9, 2011

(fame + money) > rapes

It's football season, and that means I spend my workdays listening to Pittsburgh sports radio. My favorite part is the commercial where the Very Solemn White Announcer proclaims that a "study indicated that illegal immigration is against the law."

It's not often that hate makes me guffaw, but there ya go.

On the other end of the spectrum, an excited woman called about Roethlisberger's wedding ring. She noticed he was wearing tape over it during a game, and she wondered breathlessly—you could hear her swooning as her voice went up an octave—"Is that because Ben doesn't want to take it off..?"

I will never be able to unhear her breathy, panting, hopeful, stupid giggle.

posted by john at 8:24 AM  â€¢  permalink