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May 27, 2011

the hangover

For years, Flo and I have talked about doing an American Idol finale drinking game. No party ever materialized, what with our both having no friends, so this year she brought over a couple of bottles and a toothbrush.

And thus did we agree to each do a half shot every time Randy said someone had "really brought it tonight," a quarter-shot every time Steven said "beautiful" (we're not superhuman, after all), a full shot if Mariah/Celine/Whitney were mentioned, and so on. We were happily about five shots into the festivities when the following calamity occurred: they did montages of the judges spouting cliches.

For the record, Randy saying "in it to win it" was half a shot. Montage result: six more shots.

Steven saying something incomprehensible was valued at two shots. I lost count at eighteen more shots.

"I quit" we said in unison, staring with disbelief at the Steven montage.

posted by john at 8:02 AM  â€¢  permalink