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December 28, 2010
since you asked, here are my thoughts on the ohio state scandal
Boot all their stupid, selfish asses off the team. I don't even want to see them in the bowl game next week.
"But John," some 'tard will write. "College football makes millions of dollars from these kids. They deserve a cut."
Immaterial. I actually support paying players a modest stipend—"Enough to take a girl on dates," as Dirt says—but this is an unrelated issue. These kids knew the deal. In exchange for playing a game for free, they get to play on a national stage and, by the by, go to college for free. Sweet deal. They knew these rules. They knew that by fencing their conference championship rings, they were putting their teammates in as much jeopardy as they put themselves.
Not an ounce of sympathy. Don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way to washing out of the NFL because you're ill-prepared.
posted by john at 8:38 AM • permalink