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August 18, 2010
feelin' the love
I'm being socially tortured right now, to my friends' increasing delight. Out of fear of a certain someone finding this site and taking my mockery out on someone else, I cannot write about it here. Maybe someday. I'm dying to. But for now, a few yucks aren't worth that risk.
Nope. For now, my trevails will have to entertain only my real-world friends. You'd think it'd be offputting to have every single person in your life rooting for your continued drowning. But you'd be someone else. Nope, no surprises here. My friends don't want to see me hurt, particularly, but they sure don't mind watching me slip on a banana peel and bounding down a flight of stairs into a patch of mouse traps.
posted by john at 2:08 PM • permalink