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August 31, 2010
requiem for eight cents
I'm allowed 200 free text messages per month. After that, I have to pay eight cents per message. Yes, I could pay for unlimited, but only a couple of times would that have been worth the extra fee. No, I'll stay at 200.
This doesn't mean that when Bill sends his sequences of texts, I don't want to kill him. What he writes:
"i'll be working until 4"What I read:"or maybe 4:30"
"so come over at 5:30"
"or maybe 6?"
"why don't i just call?"
"ca-CHING!"Vastly more expensive-seeming, though, is the brutally stupid text. This came in last night. If any reader can top this for sheer pointlessness, I will buy that reader a beer. This pained me so badly, you'd think it had cost me eight grand."ca-CHING!"
posted by john at 8:19 AM • permalink