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February 1, 2010
evolution of my thoughts one sunny wednesday when i had the flu
Noon - iPad? Seriously? What a horrible name. It makes me think of feminine hygiene products.
12:05 - Heh heh. I hope my iPad comes with wings for heavy flow.
1:30 (on phone) - "Did you hear what they're calling the Apple tablet? Yeah! I'm gonna call it my maxi-pad and the iPhone my panty liner. Har, har!"
3:30 - Wow, there's a lot of tampon jokes going on out there. I guess it was sort of obvious.
4:03 - Ugh, I'd better stop with the tamPod jokes.
7:30 - My god, every media outlet, every discussion board, is saturated with people who think this is an clever joke. Stop embarrassing yourselves. Give it a rest, already.
9:04 pm - (comedian) "I hope my iPad comes with wings for heavy flow."
9:04 pm (me) - "Oh, HAR HAR. Moron."
Really, can you remember a joke going from hilarious to unfunny pop-cliche so rapidly? By comparison, "Yeah, that's the ticket" and "Talk to the hand" were multi-generational epics.
posted by john at 8:46 AM • permalink