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October 6, 2009

merrill markoe

Chances are decent that you're a fan of Ms. Markoe's and don't know it. She was David Letterman's writer/producer/girlfriend during his heyday. She was instrumental in creating his original show and coming up with classic bits like Stupid Pet Tricks. She's a great humor writer. Go get What the Dogs Have Taught Me right now.

They broke up long ago, in the 80s, but when the Letterman scandal broke last week, I wondered what, if anything, his ex would have to say. And thus I found her blog.

Okay. Here it is. My big comment on Mr. Letterman.

It is this: As you can imagine this is a very emotional moment for me because Dave promised me many times that I was the only woman he would ever cheat on.
Ouch. I thought that was pretty funny until I saw her response to readers' comments:
I would like to thank all four of you guys. Really. And take this opportunity to say that I am now so fond of you all that I would like to propose a toast: “May none of you ever wake up one morning to find your name and photo included in a montage full of interns and personal assistants.” Okay. Let’s all clink glasses.

posted by john at 8:44 AM  â€¢  permalink