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September 29, 2009

read, heed the book

My favorite letter to the editor in the Spokane newspaper last weekend follows.

Read, heed the book

To the editor:

I am appealing to the uninformed – and misinformed— with a few truths. I do not speak on my own authority. Gosh, I could never come up with this on my own. I found this in a book.

It said, and I believe the author is truthful, “Male and female he created them. God blessed them….”(Gen 1:28). For centuries and centuries, millions of other people have similarly believed. It is true! We ARE male and female and the blessing of marriage IS between a male and female.

Another authority—our Legislature—also wrote a “book.” You know it as Senate Bill 5688. The “plot” of this book is to get us all to agree that we lack specific genders. If you believe that, then the logical conclusion is that marriage is between two gender-neutral people. In one sweep of her pen, the governor put thumbs down on Genesis and fooled all of us.

But wait! The people will not be fooled. We are able to overturn what two-thirds of our Legislature ruled is law. Protect marriage. Preserve genders. In the long run, safeguard children. On the November ballot, where it asks if you accept or reject SB 5688, check reject.

Walter F. Stichart

I simply can't believe that I spent two years teaching critical thinking and argumentation in that town and I never once thought to use those letters in a lesson.

posted by john at 8:37 AM  â€¢  permalink