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August 27, 2009
support system
Reaction to the Dan post has been uniformly supportive. Of her.
"You asked her what? WHY?!?" said an incredulous Allie, sounding very much like she'd like to build a time machine so she could slap her younger self out of having ever dated me.
"You're an asshole," said Stank troll Ray. "Unwiped."
"I had more critical things to say, but you felt bad enough already," said Katrina, somehow managing to make me feel worse anyway.
"You really shouldn't be allowed to interact with other human beings," said my boss, Flo, and not for the first time.
Perhaps Dirt summed it up best: "Do you ever see a scab and not pick at it? You don't have to pick, you know. It helps with healing if you don't."
posted by john at 8:25 AM • permalink