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July 29, 2009

knobby thing

Dorkass is stunningly lazy. When I was her manager, this had two manifestations: 1) my having to figure out what, exactly, comprehensive migration tools were migrating comprehensively, and 2) my handling tasks so that she didn't have to.

On a day when the latter symptom compelled her to visit my office dozens of times, I grew impatient with what I deemed stupid requests. "Are we done?" I snapped. She turned to leave, and I growled some more: "Let me know if you need help working the knobby thing on the door."

Mere days later...

She and I were walking into a store and I did that humiliating thing where you don’t quite unlatch the door and you face-plant into it. I hit it HARD, too. I saw stars. Dorkass glided past me, cooing “knoooobby thing” as she opened the door and walked through.

Seldom in life is vindication so utterly devastating.

posted by john at 8:42 AM  â€¢  permalink