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May 29, 2009

baby, vegas

When 19 year-old Aaron showed me his fake ID, I was intrigued. When he showed me his mother's credit card, I was downright inspired.

Yes, I would take my friend's kid to Vegas.

But only under one circumstance. I tracked down Zoe to ask. "How much would it bother you if I took your kid to Vegas?" I said, causing her to swallow her face and half her neck.

Yes, I would take my friend's kid to Vegas.

Aaron was excited. He was already planning our itinerary. And then he was overcome with generosity. "I'll even pay my own way!" he chirped.

"You have yourself mistaken for a 19 year old chick," I growled. "You bet your ass you're paying your own way."

posted by john at 7:51 AM  â€¢  permalink