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March 2, 2009
start drafting the articles of impeachment
The "stimulus" package that maps so beautifully to special interests—if not to actual job creation or immediate (read: stimulative) spending—was merely annoying. Even though another, actual stimulus package will be needed, there's an element of "Eh, I'm never going to make a dent in my credit card debt, anyway. I might as well max it out. Vegas, baby!!!" that on some level makes perfect sense.
But this, I cannot forgive. Not only am I destined for 12-15 years of "Oh, did you get a Portuguese Water Dog because of Obama?" Not only will the impending fad wreck this fine breed. But the man butchered the name of the breed. The outrage!
Mr. President, they are no more hounds than poodles or Dobermans are hounds. Or if you prefer, PWDs are no more hounds than Bill Richardson and Judd Gregg are Secretaries of Commerce.
posted by john at 8:57 PM • permalink