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November 17, 2008
poindexter theme song
Every one of my dogs has had their own theme song, with which I serenade them around the house. Oddly enough, every theme song was from before my time. With Ed, for instance, it was the Beverly Hillbillies theme.
Let me tell you a story 'bout a dog named Ed.With Chloe, I crooned "Chloe Jean" (and, to her lament, she danced) to the tune of "Tutti Fruiti." Later I serenaded Webster to the tune of the "Flipper" theme song. And so on.
Couldn't find her ass if it wuz stapled to her head.
"Poindexter," I've noticed, sings exceedingly well to the Bonanza theme song.
She's the 'tard who won't shit in the yard,It's a work in progress.
Grab my gun and a rope and that furry little dope, and I'll hang her from Percy's tree.
Speaking of trees, a forest she'll deplete, Poin-dex-TER!
No more paper towels in the house, you shit-stained little louse, so I'll use Sarah's vintage tee.
posted by john at 6:20 AM • permalink