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June 19, 2008

glass cases

I shoulda seen it coming. Feedback on yesterday's cheating post uniformly observed the gender difference and posited that for some reason, women must blame other women and not the cheating man. I can't speak to that, but it feels right, in a crazy competitive female way. Tell me more.

I can say that my not knowing Rich is a huge variable. Here's the sum of what I knew about him before Sarah's massive disinformation campaign began.

That's it. Not exactly the stuff of hate. Rather, it's not exactly the stuff of hating him. After all, this is a woman who we now know banged four different men over four consecutive Springs, all while married. Who comparison-shopped two of 'em while in marital counseling with a third. Hate the guys? The guys are immune from hate as long as Sarah's involved. That creepy little skank is a hate lightening rod.

I should note that if he'd been a friend of mine, that would be entirely different. Not only would it humanize the offender (Rich is, in the end, just a proven hypothesis to me), but it would violate the guy code about one another's women. There's no guy lower than the guy who sleeps with a buddy's girl. Hell, we ask permission to date his ex-girlfriend, and even then, I never do it because it just feels wrong.

Now, strangers' women? Not so much. We're stupid that way.

I'm now inspired to include a little "Bring the Pain" from Chris Rock. I've thought of it often ever since Sarah busted out the first "Rich, who I consider a new friend." Enjoy.

posted by john at 07:38 AM  •  solamente