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April 17, 2008

wile e. coyote

wile.jpgWhen I was a kid, I attempted come up with some sort of explanation for how Wile E. Coyote could resurrect himself so many times in a cartoon in which he was so obviously and repeatedly killed. No small feat of logic, that explanation. What I finally theorized was that the ACME company that so reliably provided whatever Wile needed—Rocket skates? Robotic female rabbit? Earthquake pills not actually effective on road runners? We got 'em!—also provided our Master Wile with some mechanism that allowed him to transfer his consciousness to another body right before he impacted at the bottom of that canyon.

Okay, fine. What was your explanation, smart guy?

It wasn't until recent drug-induced meditations that it occurred to me that this is how Cylons' immortality works in the new Battlestar Galactica. Can I get royalties?

posted by john at 8:48 AM  â€¢  permalink