« yet another moment when you just pause and reflect on when, exactly, your life went completely off the rails | Main | the beautiful game »

April 14, 2008

still more moments when you just pause and reflect on when, exactly, your life went completely off the rails

When you're conversing with your friend Lynn, whose life's dream it is to see you married before she dies, who never heard you mention a girl in passing who didn't sound like The One to her, and the following exchange occurs:

John: Hi, Lynn. How are you?

Lynn: I'm good! Say...what's going on with your love life?

John: Nothing.

Lynn. What about that girl you mentioned last time?

John: Um. Can you be more specific?

Lynn: The nice one.

John: Um. Can you be more specific?

Lynn: The married one.

John: Um. Can you be more specific?

posted by john at 7:34 AM  â€¢  permalink