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March 26, 2008

poo from heaven

It's been a brutal week. Lots of deadlines, lots of computer problems, my iPod went belly-up, and Annie made it 4-for-4 of the friends in my employ who immediately ran out and bought a car.

It wasn't until this morning that I even had a moment to sit in the hot tub. And there I was, reading my book and smoking a breakfast cigar, when something wet hit my face. A blue jay flew overhead. Did I just get hit by bird crap? That'd be the perfect capper to a perfect week. No, actually, it was much worse.

Apparently, dessicated Ed crap makes for fine nest material. The bird had dropped my dead dog's poo into my hot tub, where the splash had hit my face. Or maybe, just maybe, it was just Ed crapping on me from heaven.

It rehydrated with alarming rapidity.

posted by john at 8:03 AM  â€¢  permalink