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August 6, 2007
fuck off john
Allie often gives me feedback that surprises me, but it's usually of the "My comment offended you, Allie? Really?" variety. Seldom does it resemble the below feedback about last week's guest post.
One thing I like about it is that it shows a side of John that your friends know, but that doesn't often surface on your page.Really? Which part? Surely not the "Fuck o—"
"The 'Fuck-off' part. Your rant has lots of: Judgmental John, Sweet John, Everyone-is-stupid-but-me John, Critical Thinker John, Funny John, and Self-deprecating John. Not so much of Fuck-off John."Really?
Okay, I will attempt to remedy this. This week's posts will star Fuck Off John. I'm sure they'll offend her.
posted by john at 8:07 AM • permalink