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July 5, 2007
solitude, good
Not for nothing, but when I stay in someone's home, I try to leave it how I found it. My goal is to leave no evidence of my brief existence there, but for perhaps a few crushed Diet Coke cans in a bin. Not everyone shares this ethic. I go back and forth on which development pisses me off more:
- A guest showing up at my house with a horrendous hacking cough and sore throat, both of which I now have.
- Being asked why she can't just use my bath towel instead of taking a fresh one from the rack a foot away.
- Streaks and floaters in my toilet. All weekend. Eat some fucking vegetables once in a while.
- A used Q-Tip, brown and yellow crud intact, making it back into the Q-Tip box for me to find.
- Huge, mysterious brown stains all over my nice white guest robe.
- Cigarette butts somehow making it on the floor of my kitchen.
- Leaving my guests in my Jeep while I run into the store, returning 10 minutes late to an empty Jeep with its windows still down and my video iPod still prominently displayed on the dash, then being scolded for thinking this might have been a problem. "Waitasecond," I said. "Are you actually maintaining that if you left the doors unlocked and the windows down and the iPod was stolen, it would have been my fault?" Yes, came the answer, for I shouldn't own such an expensive thing.
posted by john at 7:37 AM • permalink