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April 27, 2007
google and me
By far, this page's greatest number of Google hits comes from people searching for "round mound of ass." I've never gone and looked for whatever site it is they actually wanted. I can imagine just fine, thanks. "Fucking Amy" is probably the second-most searched string. Just how disappointed are they? Anytime I mention a quasi-famous woman, I get hits for years on her name plus "giving a blowjob." It's utterly charming and really makes me identify even more with my own gender.
Of legitimate searches, second-place goes to In Defense of Hate, the post about the late Tim Treadwell. The post's title is ironic, but the queries that lead to it are sadly not. The latest, "tim treadwell dumbass deserved to die," is representative. I like to think of myself as a professional hater, but strings like that (or anything involving Maurice Clarrett and the n-word) show me what a rank amateur I really am. That sort of hate is beyond my feeble skills. I've said it before: sometimes I really resent the Internet for letting society's ugliest dregs seep into my consciousness.
The runaway winner is some variation on "can i still be friends with my ex?" That leads them to my ex-ship post, and sometimes it leads to email. These readers all have two things in common: 1) they're all female and 2) they all try to argue with my stipulation that you need at least a year break before transitioning from lovers to friends. I have no real conclusion to draw from these observations, but it's an ongoing curiosity to me. Why are men not represented in my sample? Why are the women all trying to convince me that they're not deluding themselves? And have any of the women who told me they they were different, that their ex was their best friend now, not in a year, blah blah blah me me me—have any of them actually pulled it off? My collection of "told you sos" is nil.
I told you so.
posted by john at 7:59 AM • permalink