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February 26, 2007

giving the media devil its due

It's been 10 hours or so, and to my knowledge, white reporters have yet to ask Forrest Whitaker or Jennifer Hudson "How long have you been a black actor?" This is progress. Or maybe the media is just bored with coloring their stories that way. Which would also be progress.

"The Departed" won, and as it was the best movie I saw last year, I'm pleased. Doubly so because the pleasant but wildly overpraised "Little Miss Sunshine" seemed poised to steal the award. It's a testament to the media hype machine that in a two-month span I went from thinking "Well, that was a cute little movie" to thinking "THEY BETTER NOT SAY 'LITTLE MISS' ANYTHING, OR I'M NEVER WATCHING AGAIN."

10 hours, six minutes. Go media! You can do it!

posted by john at 8:04 AM  â€¢  permalink