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December 5, 2006

herro, joe, what do you know?

I've started hearing an unwelcome voice in my head when I read spam mail. Specifically, I hear the wartime Asian prostitute stereotype. You know the one. All her Rs become breathy Ls, and vice versa. She calls you "Joe." Her English is comicly broken, e.g., "Me likey sucky fucky." I doubt that she ever actually existed, but she's certainly been a staple of standup routines for 60 years.

Try it yourself with today's spam:

Subject: Where did you get so small schlong?

Salute Chap!

Don't tell me why your ramrod is so small,
I will better help you to make it really Bigger!

Why bigger? Because over 72% of all women need a longer
sausage to satisfy their desire!

Go there and get your solution: http://www.deceitss.net

With any luck, now you too will hear The Voice. You're welcome.

posted by john at 7:06 AM  â€¢  permalink