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October 18, 2006
free sienna!
Eminent thespian Sienna Miller created a stir recently when she complained about filming a movie in Pittsburgh. She called the city a clever name that I'm astounded no 10 year old boy in Cleveland has ever, ever thought of: "Shitsburgh." Said the lionized megastar to a Rolling Stone reporter:
Can you believe this is my life? Will you pity me when you're back in your funky New York apartment and I'm still in Pittsburgh? I need to get more glamorous films.Poor, poor...looking up her name again...Sienna. Let's set up a PayPal charity drive through which the concerned masses can donate to the cause of her driving a rental car to New York, shall we?
Her Pittsburgh holiday didn't get any better. A few days later, the legendary headliner was denied entry into a Pittsburgh pub because she didn't have an ID. She ripped off her hat to reveal her famous locks, then declared to the bouncer: "I am Sienna Miller! I am a famous actress!" The bouncer was not impressed. She then pouted outside for 30 minutes. Said bouncer Dan Kovacs, "She was going crazy out there, stomping her feet. But no ID, no entry - I'm sorry, we can't bend the rules for anybody."
Actress? Famous?
Do famous actresses really have to introduce themselves as famous actresses? Do they get carded, for that matter? Child, the nanny is more famous than you.
posted by john at 8:00 AM • permalink