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September 7, 2006

the sport of kings, better than diamond rings

In honor of football's illustrious return, I give you my favorite Football Weekend trivia questions. Click and drag over the text to see the answers. (And in honor of Charlie Batch's start, I've reset my football counter at right.)

What two-sport athlete is accredited with inventing bump-and-run coverage?

NBA hall of Famer KC Jones

Who caught Brett Favre's first NFL pass?

Brett Favre. A defensive player batted it back to him, and the play went for a huge loss.

As players, what do Peyton Manning and I have in common?

We've both won championships at every level except Pop Warner, little league, high school, college and the pros.

In what championship game did a former NFC team play a former AFC team?

Super Bowl XL, Seahawks vs. Steelers

And finally, the question no Steeler fan has ever been able to answer correctly: who caught Terry Bradshaw's last touchdown pass?

Calvin Sweeney

posted by john at 7:09 AM  â€¢  permalink