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July 26, 2006
but what you really want to do is direct, right?
I wait for it at the end of every Inside the Actor's Studio episode. James Lipton will be asking Melanie Griffith or Martin Lawrence or Ashley Olsen the standard questions he asks of everyone. Wait for it, wait for it...
"What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?"
"TEACHING!" almost everyone chirps.
Even the otherwise self-aware Dave Chappelle, who chuckled at the unimportance of education not an hour earlier, said "teaching" without a trace of irony. Why? Why does the least educated demographic I can think of (short of Afghan women, anyway, but they're gaining) fancy themselves educators? I can't help but think it's the notion of a captive audience. I am important; one way or the other, you will listen to what I have to say.
I shudder to think how many unbeautiful people go into teaching because the sitcom casting calls aren't working out.
posted by john at 12:57 PM • permalink