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May 24, 2006

hurtling at breakneck speed through my 30s

I have my first serious "old man" injury. I hurt my elbow in a spill six weeks ago, and it just doesn't seem to be getting any better. The effect of my right arm not being able to lift more than a can of Diet Coke has been humiliating. I have to ask other people to move, say, bags of dog food. Or to hoist a paint brush. Sometimes lifting the remote control causes stabbing pain.

"Let it rest," says the helpful orthopedic surgeon. His plan's working like gangbusters so far.

I'll never forget my first old man injury. I was about 30, in fine shape. I had my feet on the coffee table as I watched TV. I was sloth personified. Wham! I pulled a hamstring. "How did that happen...?" I said as I walked it off. "I didn't even do anything."

Oh, the naivete of youth.

posted by john at 7:15 AM  â€¢  permalink