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April 27, 2006

what they say, what i hear

I've often been accused of being a poor listener, but I like to think I'm actually exceptional in that regard. It's just that what you say isn't necessary what I hear. Here's a primer.

Who What they say What I hear
NFL draft pick, responding to a reporter's question "Nah, it doesn't matter where I go. I just want to play football." "Yeah, like I want to play for the Texans. Thanks for putting me on the spot. Don't ever put yourself in a position where I need to brake in order for you to live."
Student "I had no idea we weren't supposed to copy writing from the Web and pass it off as our own." "Please insert your foot so far up my ass that I can taste where you walked yesterday."
Student "I'd love to work at Microsoft someday" "I have no idea how lowly your station is nowadays."
Woman "My boyfriend..." "Move along, lardo."
Woman "My husband..." "I'm low-hanging fruit."
Woman "My fiancé..." "I'm 19."
Pakistani official "We have no idea where bin Laden is." "Pakistan."
Acquaintance "You are cordially invited to witness the marriage..." "I heard you work at Microsoft."
Bride "You are cordially invited to witness the marriage..." "Come, pay homage at the altar of...me!"
Groom "You are cordially invited to witness the marriage..." "I owe you."
Niece or nephew I've never once heard from "Announcing the graduation..." "I heard you work at Microsoft."
Microsoft executive, in e-mail "Pete is moving on to other exciting opportunities. I'd like to thank Pete for..." "I know Pete's a complete fuck-up, you know it, so I'm not even going to bother to spin this."
Microsoft "You must download a critical update" "This breaks RealPlayer real good."
Dorkass "I like how you cherry-pick stories to make me seem so stupid." "Me no like you're web page."
Katrina "I can't do anything tonight. I've still got tons of editing to do." "Please drop by, kick off your rancid shoes, and take no hint to leave."
Ex-friend "Whenever someone criticized you, I always defended you." "I'm 13."
NBA player "LeBron's going to get his points. You just have to try to contain him." "My check clears either way."
Conversationalist "How's Ed?" "I can't think of a single thing to say to you."
W "I'm the decider." "I write my own public statements, too."
Athlete holding out for a tenth million "I gots to take care of my family." "And I mean for 17 generations."
Critic "John is so negative. I'm just tired of it." "John held up the mirror, so he's to blame for the ugliness I saw."
Allie "At the end of my life, I want those six wasted months back." "At the end of my life, I want those six wasted months back."
Anyone "Democrat" "Incompetent"
Anyone "Republican" "Evil"
Pushy friend "I just want you to find someone." "I'm so terrified to be alone that I won't leave my obvious train wreck of a marriage, and seeing you happy makes me feel weak and stupid. Validate me."
Fundy "Do you know Jesus?" "Validate me."
New mother "Want to hold the baby?" "Validate me."
Athlete "I'm being disrespected." "Validate me."
W "I'm the decider." "Validate me."
Anyone "I'm not looking for validation. "I'm so desperately looking for validation."

posted by john at 8:45 AM  â€¢  permalink