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March 15, 2006

petulance defined

"Brokeback" author Annie Proulx wrote an amazing article for the London Guardian in which she:

  1. Derides Academy voters for awarding another movie Best Picture.
  2. Argues that their obvious stupidity is the product of their living behind iron gates near, but not in, a yeasty ferment.
  3. Argues that if you really want to see a reputable award, you should check out the one that she actually won.
  4. Indulges in the argumentative cheats of "we should have known!" and that old standby of playground rhetorical legerdemain: the demeaning malaprop.
    "Trash – excuse me – Crash."

Ha, ha. Zing!

That the Guardian published this steamin' pile of petulance is surprising enough, but who knew Brokeback was written by an 12 year old girl?

posted by john at 9:42 PM  â€¢  permalink