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February 9, 2006

why the steelers

"You're from Ohio. Why the Steelers?"

I've been asked this quite a bit lately. After the fetid turd they laid the first half in Detroit, I even asked this of myself.

I haven't lived a day in Pittsburgh, but my childhood choice is not, as many speculate, merely a matter of their being a great team when I was a kid—although that never hurts. My Polish family all lives in Western PA. Those are two pertinent variables. The Steelers are as much the choice of Poles as the Raiders are the choice of bikers. I also love that the fans don't need or want cheerleaders. I love the ownership; they're the rare family-owned team, and the family is composed of loyal, civic-minded Pittsburghers who routinely defend the integrity of the league. I love the blue collar mentality that comes from the blue-collar fans. I love that the coach is a local boy. I love that Steeler players from all over the country routinely remain in Pittsburgh when they retire. And I love that when the bitter rival Browns summarily abandoned Cleveland, Steeler fans wore orange armbands and frightened Art Modell with their anger.

Which brings us to by far and away the most important factor in my fanship: my dad, who hailed from western PA, was a diehard Browns fan. I watched with thrilled fascination as these men in black and gold repeatedly drove my father insane with rage and frustration. Oh, how he hated them. I didn't know football, but I knew this was a very good thing. I liked them. They were my secret friends.

And thus did six years of pure bliss ensure, followed by 26 years of insane rage and frustration.

posted by john at 9:46 AM  â€¢  permalink