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February 2, 2006

things to do in detroit

super bowl xlDETROIT - I'm presently sitting in an Internet cafe, impatiently waiting out the long line for the stupid Bettis bowling thing. In killing time, I came across the Detroit Free-Press' article on things to do in Detroit. "There are things in Detroit that you can't experience anywhere else, so this is your chance." Highlights:

"The Detroit Zoo" - Only in Detroit!

"Holocaust Memorial Center" - Only in Detroit?

"Meadow Brook Hall: Eminem got married here" - Words fail me.

"Gibraltar Trade Center" - Hold me back.

"Giant tire" - I'm not making this crap up.

"Big Beaver Road: We can't imagine why, but out-of-towners find the name of this thoroughfare amusing." - I can't imagine why, either.

Curious that they don't mention that the Rosa Parks bus is in this town.

posted by john at 7:12 PM  â€¢  permalink