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February 4, 2006
is this heaven? no, it’s detroit.
DETROIT - This town has its problems, but its people are not among them. They've been uniformly kind, even sweet to me, and I'm not just talking about the well-scrubbed white folk the NFL has working the tourist area. Leave the NFL quarter and you are embraced. In my case, literally. Two parting hugs so far. I've had more great conversations with strangers (residents, not tourists) in the past two days than I have in the past 10 years. I'm ashamed to say that those skills are severely stunted in me. I'm still not back into the rhythm of being regarded kindly, or at all, by strangers. But I like it.
The ease and good humor with which local blacks discuss race with a white stranger is particularly welcome. There's none of the bug-eyed discomfort to which I'm accustomed. They talk; they listen; we laugh at the absurdities we have in common. The mutual respect and warmth are palpable. I miss this too.
posted by john at 6:19 AM • permalink