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February 4, 2006

crap on a stick

super bowl xlDETROIT - This was as shitty a day as yesterday was wonderful. I drove the 80 minutes to Detroit so that I could attend the NFL Experience. If you've ever been to the Hall of Fame and an NFL game, you have already exceeded the sum of the fun here. Yes, there are a couple of exhibits from the Hall of Fame. Yes, there are "throw the football through the hole" type booths. If that's fun enough to justify waiting 30 minutes for each, then this is the event for you.

Yawn. Nothing affiliated with the NFL has been anything better than dreadful. All the fun I've had, I made myself.

A few hours later, I attended the Motown Classics concert. I left after five songs. Between the "Nelly and John Legend won't be performing as scheduled tonight. No refunds." sign, the utterly moribund crowd talking during songs and holding up their cell phones, ushers completely obstructing my view of the stage, and singers so obscure that they weren't even introduced (the band, the Funk Brothers, was), I got the distinct feeling that I'd rather be in my hotel. A criminal waste of $200. And a day.

• • •

I got into the same aggravating discussion three times today.

"I saw on TV that it's really snowing there!"
"No, it's not snowing at all."
"Yeah, right!"
"I'm looking out the window. It's not snowing."
"Yes it is."

"I saw on TV that there are tons of Seahawk fans!"
"Uh, no. I've seen maybe 20."
"Oh come on. The local news is showing them!"

"I read that the Stones t-shirt is the #1 selling item."
"Uh, no. I've never even seen one."
"Why would they lie?"

So odd to have my first-hand observations refuted by couch-jockeys 2000 miles away. Not helping my foul mood.

posted by john at 8:01 PM  â€¢  permalink