January 1, 1800
what would jesus steal?
Originally published March 3, 2005
Bill Watterson, the inspired creator of Calvin and Hobbes, who retired at the top of his game at the height of the strip's popularity, has always zealously defended his creation from being commercialized. "My strip is about private realities, the magic of imagination, and the specialness of certain friendships." he explains. "Who would believe in the innocence of a little kid and his tiger if they cashed in on their popularity to sell overpriced knickknacks that nobody needs?" So every stuffed Hobbes, every decal you've seen of Calvin urinating—those are brazen copyright theft. They're unlicensed, and Watterson is perpetually battling those who profit from stealing his work.
brings us to the instance that amuses me the most. Yes,
nothing says "I walk with Jesus" quite so much as shameless
theft. And nothing says you're secure in your faith quite like
receiving validation from affixing an illegally used cartoon
character to your pickup truck.
(And before some hysterical born-again fucktard with atrocious spelling points out that I too possess the very stolen good I deplore, the picture at right resides on the thief's server.)
posted by john at 12:00 AM • permalink