U.S. losing a 'persuadable mind' on court
So now we say goodbye to Sandra Day O'Connor.
In the process, we say goodbye to the one justice on the Supreme Court who did
not belong body and soul to either the liberal or conservative wings, who could
not be considered in the pocket of either political extreme. In other words, she
was willing to listen to the facts before making up her mind as opposed to the
other way around. Imagine that.
As a result, her votes hacked off conservatives, vexed liberals and -- not
coincidentally, -- gave encouragement to those of us who find those labels ...
In a 2004 profile, Washington Post reporter Charles Lane said all this in an
elegant phrase that has been echoing in my head ever since. O'Connor, he wrote,
is possessed of a ``persuadable mind.''
I suspect the phrase made an impact upon me simply because one does not
encounter persuadable minds that often these days -- not in courtrooms, not in
Congress, not in the White House, not at the water cooler down the hall. Minds
these days are made up like a drill sergeant's bed. They are impervious to
inconvenient or contradictory information.
It's not that I have always agreed with Justice O'Connor's votes. Yes, I think
she had it right when she sided with the majority this year in ruling that it's
unconstitutional to put a framed copy of the Ten Commandments on a courthouse
wall. Yet I think she could hardly have been more wrong than when she joined the
majority in rejecting a 1987 challenge to the death penalty on grounds of racial
But again, the point isn't an individual vote. It is, rather, the sense one gets
in her body of votes that there's a mind at work here. That her decisions were
based not simply on ideology, but also on intellect.
O'Connor was named to the court by the conservative icon, Ronald Reagan. She
herself is usually described as a moderate conservative, a term that has grown
oxymoronic over the years. But even putting that aside, I question the word
''moderate,'' implying as it does a lack of passion or conviction.
I prefer to regard O'Connor as a conservative with an independent mind. And I'd
argue that we could use a few more independent minds of whatever ideology.
Maybe then, we could have less of the nasty shouting match that passes for
political dialogue in this country. Maybe then there would be less emphasis on
winning the argument and more on solving the problem. Maybe then, judgment would
be less situational and people more willing to place nation above party.
And maybe then you would not get studies like the one done last year by Drew
Westen, professor of psychology at Emory University. In asking people to respond
to a fake scenario -- a soldier accused of brutality at Abu Ghraib -- he found
that most, whether liberal or conservative, based their opinions not on the
facts he presented them but on political ideology.
Something to consider as the noise machines of left and right gear up for
Armageddon, otherwise known as the battle over O'Connor's replacement.
President Bush has asked interest groups to dial down their rhetoric and has
promised a nominee of great intellect and integrity. Given the president's hard
right politics and his stated admiration for ultraconservative jurists Antonin
Scalia and Clarence Thomas, there is, let us say, room for skepticism.
So the battles of recent years -- red vs. blue vs. right vs. left vs.
conservative vs. liberal -- come to a boil again. And as you brace for what's
ahead, it's hard to escape a wistfulness for what's passing. Harder still to
escape a sense that what we see in Sandra Day O'Connor's retirement is a
microcosm of what we see in the nation at large.
A hello to rancor. And a farewell to the persuadable mind.